Happy Birthday!
The true question is - how many Irish people immigrated, settled, and had kids in a foreign country?
That question was brought to you an Irish Youtuber named Sgt Ducky on a podcast of his.
Link if anyone wants to check him out. But note, he has a crass sense of humor. So be warned.
It really is quite fascinating.
My paternal nan was born in Cork, so technically I'm even eligible for Irish citizenship myself!
Takes me back.
4-ish hours to learn the bass guitar.
Now that's something.
Hope if the new show does well, we can get a second season and see her and some locations that we haven't before.
I hope so, this is the third time Lisa Miller is left behind for am SPvTW adaptation lmao
It's not a phase, just a way of life.
Well, I can do the main four.
So please be more specific.
[Main four are Fly, Back, Breast, and Free - In that order]
[In Principal Skinner voice (Simpsons-Steamed Hams)]
5 stars for 5 likes.
I like my art like I like my music, good enough.
Student At A School
Canada, Eh?
Joined on 11/26/20