So wholesome!
So wholesome!
Thank Q,you like it 👍
Your art is Great!
Also, Rest In Piece real world Missile.
Thank you.
And yeah, R.I.P. real-life Missile. A dog so great, Takumi-san had to let people know in this masterfully told story.
I find it funny how the hole in Ireland was dug by some guy on the beach and it just so happend that a rock that seemed out of this world landed there. Like when I go to the beach I typically dig a hole, but hats off to that guy who did it with some kids shovels while im here using my hands or small snow shovels.
Absolute mad lad.
One of the best cross over pieces I've seen in recent memory.
Thank you so much!
Happy Birthday! Have a Great one!
Happy Birthday! Have a Great day!
Thanks so much, mate!
Happy Birthday! Have a Great one!
Thanks dude I definitely will
Welcome back to Newgrounds.
"I do a little bit of evil on the side."
- SkittleWaffle character in 2023
just a wee bit lol
I'd just guess that a simple way to draw ears with minimal detail is to do an "h" shape since it gives off the general shape of a round ear without needing to draw in detail.
To be honest, all my works are quite strange, although in all of them I used a reference in the form of shadows, since I have problems with this, and yes, I practice shadows myself, but I am very sorry to see my drawings in some way :(
I like my art like I like my music, good enough.
Student At A School
Canada, Eh?
Joined on 11/26/20