*Hyperventilation starts* OH GOD!!! WHAT THE FUNKY KONG?!?!
*Hyperventilation starts* OH GOD!!! WHAT THE FUNKY KONG?!?!
Just got through this and was surprised at how well the story was.
With the art as a back up for it.
Godzilla having a proper slasher-esc movie would just be funny to see. Like a "When is he gonna show up" for all the other monsters. And for it to be done with suits would also be funny to see since it would just be like a mascot horror movie except with monsters instead.
I'd go for any new suit movie honestly, and it's not even that I hate CGI, it would just be nice. Would probably work better than the 'realistic' take.
Happy Birthday!
The spookiest month of the year!
A very Jason thing to do.
Didn't really plan on sleeping tonight anyway.
A personal favorite among cereal mascots.
After going through every comic up to this point, a 5/5 for everything is deserved. From beginning to end.
Take all the time that you need, its better that way.
I like my art like I like my music, good enough.
Student At A School
Canada, Eh?
Joined on 11/26/20