The background being trippy when scrolling down it is cool.
The background being trippy when scrolling down it is cool.
Furi Kuri!
Your art is Great!
Also, Rest In Piece real world Missile.
Thank you.
And yeah, R.I.P. real-life Missile. A dog so great, Takumi-san had to let people know in this masterfully told story.
Happy 30th Anniversary!
Your art looks Great!
Sissel tricks so hard.
Can we just appreciate that the show had some continuity within it? Or how it parodied properties to the point where they could be viewed without knowing the original source?
Not realizing what they had first come from. Like the Mr. Black and Mr. White being a parody of the Men in Black or Dark Vegan being one of Darth Vader/Star Wars?
I find it funny how the hole in Ireland was dug by some guy on the beach and it just so happend that a rock that seemed out of this world landed there. Like when I go to the beach I typically dig a hole, but hats off to that guy who did it with some kids shovels while im here using my hands or small snow shovels.
Absolute mad lad.
One of the best cross over pieces I've seen in recent memory.
Thank you so much!
I need to listen to Gorilla. Seems like a lyrical masterpiece.
"You don't use the "e" word in this house."
- Wallace Wells
I like my art like I like my music, good enough.
Student At A School
Canada, Eh?
Joined on 11/26/20